Wednesday, December 18, 2013


Kau tahan derita dengan air mata
Dalam diam kau tanggung segala duka
Apalagi aku yang terpaksa melihatmu begitu
Ketabahanmu lebih memeritkan hatiku
Waktuku bertandang kau sambut dengan senyuman
Walhal dalam diam kau bertahan
Aku tidak lagi berkata-kata
Kelu lidah dari bicara
Dan ketika pergi ku toleh perlahan-lahan
Ku lihat air matamu bercucuran.

Friday, December 6, 2013

I have always wanted to explore the deep jungle. Drink from the sparkling river. Breathe from the freshest air. Befriend the tiger and its cubs. I have always wanted to live in the cave. Like an uncivilized caveman. Free from social conventions. From the norms. From man. Happiness is always short-lived. Like the night-blooming. That fades away. Before we enjoy its beauty. My foe is human. My allergy is traditions. My ally is the beasts. Let the moon be my night light. And the stars my diversion. And from the tall trees I carve my home. From the hills my gardens. From the moonlight my candles. From the clouds my clothes. From the sky my bed. Where happiness is ever after. Where I live eternally.

Sunday, December 1, 2013


His life is getting lonely, getting empty
Even more in the night
It yells horribly
Strangled in desolation in his room
He hates. Himself from everything
That entails women as his companion
Threats from every direction. And nearing though
In fear and anticipation he says a name
Surprised he falls seated. Who's calling?
Ah! Flaccidly he weeps: Mother! Mother!

(Translated by Affiq from the poem Sendiri by Chairil Anwar)